And how do you use PBYS to teach yourself "Not to Smoke?". Actually, its pretty simple. But there is one thing you have to do first-- and it is the most important thing in dealing with your smoking habit no matter what procedures, PBYS or anything else, you decide to use.
You must also realize that no procedure will "do it for you". Learning to control your smoking habit is no easy task. Some People have tried to imply that "Their" procedure is "easy" and requires little or no effort on your part. It is not unusual for the ADs for a procedure to imply how easy their way makes it. That is just advertisement-- and you know how likely it is that Ads are true.
So here is the truth. All procedures, AT VERY BEST, can help you help yourself, but they cannot do it for you. It doesn't matter what they say. Therefore, if you are serious about learning to control your smoking habit, it is my belief that PBYS gives you the best shot at it.
So go get a pin-- a "Quilting Pin"-- it is a bit bigger than a standard sewing pin, and therefore easier to handle. But the truth is a standard sewing pin will work too.
Start to carry and use your pin. Use it every time you light up-- How??? just follow the rules-- and POKE BEFORE YOU SMOKE.
The key to your success is to make yourself a promise-- you will
Each and every time you light up--
from NOW ON.
And that's it.
Good Luck, and Keep Poking. And no matter how it works out, drop me a line..
TTFN and Keep the Faith. Dr. Z