The price of cigarettes continues to rise what with the taxes the government and states are imposing on smokers.  I remember when you could buy a carton of cigarettes for less that $2.00.  Today it is more likely $20 a carton.  

To figure approximately what it costs you to smoke per year, 
           Use the table below;

1.  Go down the Left Column to Number of cigarettes you smoke a day; 

2.  Go over to the Price per Pack you are paying for cigarettes 

3.  And read the Amount in Dollars it costs you to smoke,  for 1 year.
Price of a Pack of Cigarettes
         $1.50$2.00       $2.50$3.00        $3.50       $4.00

      10   $274   $365   $457   $548   $639   $731
   15   $411   $548   $685   $822   $959  $1096
   20   $548   $731   $913  $1096  $1278  $1461
   25   $685   $913  $1141  $1370  $1598  $1826
   30   $822  $1096  $1370  $1644  $1918  $2192
   35   $959  $1278  $1598  $1918  $2237  $2557
   40  $1096  $1461  $1826  $2192  $2557  $2922
The dollar amount you will find in the table is, of course, only approximate.  To figure exactly what it costs you, divide the number of cigarettes you smoke per day by 20.  That gives you the number of "Packs per day". Write down the price you are paying for a pack of cigarettes, or your "Cost per Pack".

Then multiply "Packs per day X Cost per pack X 365.25 Days per year.

If you smoke 1 pack (20 cigaretes) a day, and pay $3.00 a pack, it costs you $1096 a year to smoke.  You could buy a lot of things with a little over a grand a year.

Further, with the war the government is waging against smokers, it isn't going to get any better.  Sorry about the bad news.
Cigarettes per 