You cannot cover, crush, or block in any way, the holes you poked.
This rule should be a "No-Brainer" by now. Clearly if you close off the holes you poked, you will not be reducing the amount of tar and nicotine you will be inhaling, which will simply preserve or maintain the drug portion of your smoking habit. It is a simple as that.
There is one exception to this rule. You will find that as the number of pokes in your smoke increases, it will get close to impossible to light it cause the flame from your lighter or match is not effectively drawn into the tip of your cigarette. Therefore, to light your cigarette, you may temporarily block the holes for the first puff BUT YOU MAY NOT INHALE IT!!!!!.
Then after your cigarette is lit, you must make sure all the holes you poked are still open, and if you closed any of them, you will have to repoke them.