There are at least two reasons why you cannot smoke to or below your holes. The first is that it will likely make you sick. The air drawn into your cigarette cools the smoke and at least some of the "crud" condenses on the tobacco. If you smoke to or below the holes, the condensed crud from the entire cigarette in front of your holes is boiled into steam again, and enters the smoke stream. Therefore, from the holes back, the density (doseage level??) of tar and nicotine is much higher than the front part of the cigarette smoked before it. This increased dosage of tar and nicotine is quite likely to make you sick. Secondly, the increased dosage level of nicotine it will slow if not stop you from being weaned off of the drug portion of your habit because you will no longer be reducing the amount of drug you are inhaling. In addition, thre will be an no reduction in the tar you inhale
To avoid these possibilities, simply put out your cigarette before the burning end reaches the holes. Since the holes can all be poked up front near the filter, this should not be a proiblem. As I have indicated elsewhere on this site, you would be surprised how many pokes you can get into the first 1/2 inch of your cigarette just after the filter.